Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting
- Call meeting to order
- Review minutes from April 22, 2023 Special Meeting. April 22, 2023 Quarterly Meeting and the June 15, 2023 Virtual Special Meeting
- Review financial statements
- Welcome to new board members
(item requested by Aubrey) - Update on Property Manager search
(item requested Aubrey & Westcott) - Landscape Committee report
(item requested by Westcott) - Collections report
(item requested by Westcott) - Audit or Review of financials
(item requested by Westcott) - Social events update
(item requested by Aubrey) - General Discussion: Please sign up at the meeting if you would like to speak
(3 minutes) - Meeting Adjourned
Rosenberg Library – Worthen Room, 10am
2310 Sealy, Galveston, Texas 77550
Meeting was called to order by Ben. Also in attendance were board members Bob, Austin, Robin and Bruce. Absent were John, David, Al and Harvey. Nine homeowners were in attendance as well.
Bruce moved to approve the April 22nd special meeting and quarterly board meeting minutes and Bob seconded. Minutes were approved. Austin moved to approve the June 23 quarterly meeting minutes and Bob seconded. Minutes were approved. Bruce moved to approve the financial statements and Bob seconded. Approved.
Ben welcomed the new board members Robin Moore, David Barish and John Price.
Ben announced that the search for a new property manager has been whittled down to 2 entities and the board will meet with both next week. We expect to have this accomplished within the next 60 days. Ben also explained that this will be expensive, and that we initially will sign a 1 year contract. Austin explained that the new technology will be better for all homeowners. Thank you to Bob and Al for their hard work on this.
The landscape committee consisting of Bob, Al and Fred Wagner has done a 1st assessment of the neighborhood to address compliance with the pattern book. The rules can be accessed on the website – Section 5, Item A – landscape. No action will be taken until the new property manager comes on board. We will then do a new assessment and there will be a grace period for compliance. Pamela Araujo volunteered to also serve on the landscape committee.
Ben moved to seek bids for potential auditors for review and/or audit of financials over 1, 3, and 5 year periods. Robin seconded. Approved.
Austin announced the next special event at the Tipsy Turtle next Saturday, Aug 12th from 3-5. Cash bar. He announced that there were 230 reservations for splash day but only 175 plates served.
Austin and Bruce Reinhart gave a developers report on the new section. The project is ahead of schedule and they are digging a pond and grading lots. Bruce said they will not be working week-ends; however, they are at the mercy of concrete companies and do not have a choice as to their schedule for pouring the concrete for streets.
Bob moved to adjourn the meeting and Robin seconded. Approved.
Future Events:
- Quarterly Board Meetings
October 14th